November 20, 2017
ED, Lesbian Home Movie Project
"Ping Pong's Bob Nichol makes short shrift of jobs other labs treat as impossible. Moldy 1/2" open reel tape? No problem. Seventy dvds into mov files the day before yesterday? No problem. And the results are top notch. "
November 13, 2017
"Brilliant. Always as good as their word. If there's a technical problem, they'll solve it!"
October 17, 2017
"My family reels and VCRs were all put onto a thumb drive- everything clearly labeled and done in a very timely fashion. In addition, Bob came to my house to pick everything up and made an appointment to bring the thumb drive back. I would highly recommend his company!"
August 29, 2017
Very Professional
"Extremely happy with DVD results. Will definitely use Bob again. "
August 3, 2017
"The finest quality and service I've ever seen!"
March 23, 2017