35MM Slide Conversion in Tucson, AZ
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In addition to audio and sound recording conversions and digital archiving, Ping Pong Media can scan your slides to high resolution and deliver them as JPG and/or TIFF image files on delivery media of your choice such as USB flash drive or an external USB hard drive.
Your slides will be rotated so that the images are “right side up” and oriented so that they are not mirror images. Some color correction is applied to mitigate the age effects of color fading. If you wish, your slides can be grouped into folders according to subject groupings that you designate.

Slide Scanning Price
The digitizing price for slides is the price for the number of slides in your project or $135, whichever is greater.
Item | Price |
Digitize 2” x 2” mounted slide | $0.67 each slide |
Delivery on USB flash drive | $22 per flash drive up to 128GB |
Delivery on USB external hard drive | Market Price |