Digital Archiving in Tucson, AZ
Ping Pong Media provides media format conversion services to professional media archiving organizations and filmmakers. We have done media format conversions for numerous museums, historical societies, special collection libraries, native American communities, feature film producers and editors, broadcast and cable television outlets and other similarly demanding clients.
In addition to consumer home videotape and 35mm slide conversions, we can also provide moving image scans at resolutions up to 2K and color depth up to 10-bit. We can digitize audio materials up to 96kHz at 24-bit depth. Whether you have motion picture film, videotapes or audio tape materials, we would like to talk with you about the requirements for your collection or project.
Because of the vast variety of services and the many possible nuances of each, it is not possible for us to provide pricing here for archival services. But contact us and we can give you a quotation for your project.
Ping Pong Media provides media format conversion services to museums, historical societies, special collection libraries, native American communities, mainstream film producers, documentary filmmakers, broadcast and cable television outlets and other similarly demanding professional clients.
We can provide motion picture film scans at resolutions up to 2K and up to 10-bit depth. Videotape conversions are delivered at the “born as” resolution or AI driven upscale. We can digitize audio source materials spanning the entire gamut of magnetic audio recording technology from wire recordings to magnetic tape recordings and we can deliver audio at up to 96kHz at 24-bit depth.
Whether you have motion picture film, videotapes or audio materials, we would like to talk with you about the requirements for your collection or project.

A tiny sample of our lineup of archival and production clients with whom we have provided media conversion service includes:
- Moxie Films / MAX, “The Synanon Fix”, Rory Kennedy – Dir. (Sundance January 2024, Spring 2024 streaming release)
- Pieshake Pictures, “Garry Winogrand, All Things are Photographable”, Sasha Waters Freyer – Dir.
- CNN Films, “Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down”, Betsy West & Julie Cohen – Dir.
- National Park Service, Southwest archive collection of Chamizal National Memorial
- Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, Rancho Mirage, California, Annenberg Foundation & Annenberg Family AV Media
- Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona
- Arizona State University, Tempe, Hayden Library archives
- The University of Arizona, Tucson, The Center for Creative Photography
Because of the vast variety of services and the many possible nuances of each, it is not possible for us to provide pricing here for archival services. But contact us and we can give you a quotation for your project.